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Technology Use in Construction

Photo of construction workers take a break
The Benefits of the Construction Equipment Rental Model
Construction companies are saving time and money by renting equipment, like forklifts and site cameras, more often.

In 2022, 62% of contractors rented construction equipment because it provided more flexibility than owning. Specifically, contractors liked that they could return the equipment whenever they wanted with less overhead.

While buying construction equipment can sometimes be more practical than renting, it's not always the best option. In fact, industry experts say that if contractors use a piece of equipment less than 40% of the time, it's smarter to rent it.

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The Sensera Scoop

Construction worker looking at laptop
IoT in Construction Meets Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the Job Site

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been a hot topic lately in the construction industry and beyond. The term refers to any internet-connected device that isn't a "traditional" computer – think cameras, temperature sensors, or real-time tracking devices.

IoT is everywhere, from the home to the construction site, and it's revolutionizing the way people and businesses interact with technology.

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Construction worker on jobsite
3 Construction Risk Mitigation Strategies to Improve Your Bottom Line
Proven steps to reduce construction insurance premiums and mitigate risk

Insurance companies offer discounts to lower-risk clients who meet certain requirements. One of the easiest ways to take advantage of this is to deploy construction site cameras on the job site, which can help mitigate risk while providing a whole remote monitoring solution for busy contractors.

For a security-focused system, Sensera Systems' SiteWatch PRO is a great pick. The SiteWatch PRO provides real-time motion-triggered security alerts for 24-hour site coverage. The video and motion detection features make this camera a favorite for both insurance companies and project managers.

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